Hey y’all! Thanks for coming with me to my first pilates class to see what the hype is about lol
Here are some deets about Club Pilates:
Club Pilates: https://www.clubpilates.com/en-us/
Free Intro Class: https://clubpilatesoffers.com/lp/intro/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIl4mVzczM-AIVC4_ICh2fZwgeEAAYASAAEgJH2vD_BwE
Class attended: CP Center + Balance (1.5) Video Rating: / 5
DISCLAIMER: This video is for education and entertainment only, and is not medical advice. This video should NOT be used for medical advice or to guide clinical practice. The Zero to Finals content should not be used in any way to guide medical decision making. Zero to Finals takes no responsibility for any actions taken or not taken based on the information provided. Local and national guidelines and senior clinicians are there to help you make decisions, not YouTube videos. If you need medical advice or information, seek it from an appropriately trained and licenced doctor or healthcare provider that can address your individual needs. Zero to Finals cannot guarantee the accuracy of information in this video. Please highlight any errors you notice in the comments below – thank you. Video Rating: / 5
Stay grounded with this 28 minute flow focused on outer glutes & outer thighs, while activating your obliques as stabilizer muscles throughout class. Light weights optional.
Find the full challenge on our website:
https://www.instagram.com/studioqila Video Rating: / 5
Feeling grounded in ourselves will always serve us when we face change and or adversity. Feeling rooted can help us respond to threats and challenges in a calmer and more rational way… well most of the time 😉
Two of the main things I remove from my daily life when I am working on grounding myself and connecting deeper to myself are social media, and foods that lower my energy.
What about you? What are the things that affect your energy the most?
Viewers must always ensure their bodies are fully prepared for a workout before commencing these exercises. The exercises in this video may result in injury if not carried out correctly. Viewers must take into account their own personal strength, flexibility and general health and consult a health and/or fitness professional if they have any concerns. These exercises are not suitable for those with any health conditions and such viewers should seek prior medical advice before undertaking the exercises. If any viewer experiences any pain or discomfort while undertaking these exercises, they should stop immediately and, if necessary, seek medical attention. Viewers undertake the exercises in this video at their own risk. Isa-Welly accepts no responsibility or liability for any damage (whether to person or possessions) or personal injury incurred whilst undertaking the exercises contained in this video. Video Rating: / 5